John Stenberg | President and owner, Pigott

Photos by Duane Tinkey & Riley Ginn
Story by Perry Beeman

John Stensburg, 55, took a few drum lessons when he was a kid, but wasn’t in band or anything like that. “It sort of evolved into my pastime that keeps me interested and engaged in something creative and fun. It brings friends together. It’s a fun outlet.” 

Stenberg has played his set with his band, SuperEight, at places such as Gas Lamp in Des Moines and the Flat Tire in Madrid. 

He can’t keep up a full tour schedule — “I have kids” — but he enjoys playing with his attorney friend on bass, an architect on vocals and an investment dude on keyboards. They enjoy covering hits from the ’70s and ’80s, along with Beatles tunes and the works of the Cars, REM and the Steve Miller Band.

Stenberg enjoys playing his Gretsch set, but when it comes to sticks, he buys whatever is on sale. 

Most of the folks at work know he plays, but others have a “reasonable amount of curiosity” about his music. “I don’t wear it on my sleeve,” he says.

Mainly, he just enjoys the vibe. “It’s so great. It’s a great thing to play with your friends. It’s such as inclusive thing.”
