Lana Pol | President, Geetings Inc. 


Photos & Story by John Retzlaff

To say Lana Pol is busy might be an understatement. Pol, the president of Geetings Inc., G.I. Warehouse Corp., Mowbility Sales & Service, Odyssey Spas, and Creative Inspirations LLC, manages to find time in her schedule to bowl for a little relaxation.

So what drew her to bowling? Pol, who hadn’t bowled since high school, started up again eight years ago after a friend asked her to join her team in a weekly league. Pol was easily persuaded and now bowls regularly in two weekly leagues.

The camaraderie, fun and the excuse to do something with friends is what brought her back to the sport, she said. She carries a respectable 150-160 pin average with a 256 high game at her local “bowling house” in Pella. Pol joked that she will never bowl a 300, but you never know when that lucky game might strike.

When she is not bowling in a league, you can find Pol in various 9-pin, regional and national tournaments. She bowls with the same core group of friends in her weekly leagues. When the tournaments come around, the roster expands. 

“I’ve met people from all over the United States and have made a lot of new friends throughout Iowa,” Pol said of her tournament travels. “We may not always place, but we always have fun competing in tournaments,” she said.

In the summer months when she’s not at the alley, Pol can be found out on the golf course with her friends. Golf, or “bowling with a stick” as she calls it, is just another activity that keeps her busy when she’s not in the office.

When it’s time for a break, she heads for the lanes looking for the elusive 300.