Chris Nelson: president and CEO, Kemin Industries

Photos by Red Door Photo

Tell us a little bit about your hobby. 

My wife, Linda Nelson, and I have nine Siberian huskies at our home near Des Moines. They range in age from 1 to 13 years old. Some of the older dogs don’t mush as frequently; we usually retire them around 10 years old, and they enjoy their time playing with the younger puppies and lounging with our family. All the dogs live outdoors in a large open run. Each winter, I mush them on trails through nearby woods by our home. The dogs and I are always excited for a fresh snowfall and a chance to run the trails. 

When did this hobby start for you?

I’ve always loved dogs and the Siberian husky breed. I’ve had a team of huskies and have been mushing them for about 15 years. Over the years, we’ve been fortunate to have 25 different husky dogs as our family pets. 

What’s something this hobby provides you that applies to your job?

Huskies love to pull and run and are incredibly smart dogs with great energy. When they are encouraged and coached well, they will do amazing things. As a longtime believer in servant leadership, I think encouragement and steady support are crucial in creating and leading successful teams – human or canine. Kemin is a manufacturer of pet food ingredients, so of course our dogs only consume products that include Kemin ingredients because I know they are highly palatable and free of oxidation.   

Tell us a tip or a fun fact about your hobby that most people wouldn’t know. 

Most people don’t know that the direction the huskies go is entirely based on the lead dog and verbal commands from the musher. A strong lead dog is a very valuable member of the team and essential to the other huskies. Traditionally, all commands from the musher are in the native Eskimo language; thus, I’ve had to become versed in Eskimo commands over the years.