Kathy Law: attorney, Nyemaster Goode PC

Photos by Emily Kestel

Tell us a little bit about your hobby. 

I am a “warm glass” artist, which involves cutting and layering glass in a kiln and firing it to temperatures between 1,350 and 1,700 degrees, sometimes in multiple firings, with each firing done to reach a desired effect. Some of the items I make are functional, such as vases, bowls, lighting fixtures or plates. Others are purely decorative, such as jewelry or landscapes.

When did this hobby start for you?

I took my first fused glass class in about 2009, after we remodeled our home. I could not find light fixtures that I liked, so I decided I wanted to learn how to make my own glass sconces.

What’s something this hobby provides you that applies to your job? 

My “day job” is as a real estate attorney, doing primarily commercial real estate development, but with a large focus on renewable energy such as wind, solar, biogas or renewable diesel projects. My fused glass and my real estate practice involve attention to detail, focus, creative problem-solving skills and discipline. I also sometimes use recycled glass in my art.

Tell us a tip or a fun fact about your hobby that most people wouldn’t know. 

We never throw a scrap of glass away, no matter how small. Small pieces can be ground into a sand-like consistency, which is called “frit” and can be used in projects to create designs.