Dave McKenzie: president and chief operating officer, ChildServe

Photos by Duane Tinkey

Tell us a little bit about your hobby.

In general terms, my hobby is gardening and landscaping, but more specifically it has been restoring a residential pond installed by the original homeowner in the 1920s. The journey has gone from an archeological dig to restoration of the original pond to modernization and addition of a second pond. It is a wonderful oasis from the daily stressors to sit and feed eight lively koi, listen to the sound of the waterfalls and admire waterlilies.

When did this hobby start for you? 

This project-turned-hobby started 23 years ago when we moved into the house and learned a pond once existed on the property. Uncovering decades of growth and digging out the original cement pond occurred in the summer of 1999.

What’s something this hobby provides you that applies to your job? 

Over the past 28 years at ChildServe, we have started and grown over 25 new services for children with special health care needs and their families. Creating a backyard habitat is very similar to starting new services:

  • You must start with a vision and a plan.  

  • You have to be willing to get your hands dirty!

  • Always manage change and adapt, as things never turn out
    exactly as you thought they would. 

  • Diversity ensures the system will thrive.

  • Be patient, be flexible.

  • Enjoy the moment. 

Tell us a tip or a fun fact about your hobby.

After all these years, last spring the koi spawned for the first time.